Habit 1: Be Productive
Reflection: Being productive is getting things done. Not just any kind of things, good things. We must produce, we can produce good works to help others, and that make us better. If someone is not really productive, then they cannot truly be effective. They go by hand. We must want to take our lives and make them productive and effective. We must not simply sit back and watch our life. We can be productive in more than just school or work. Productivity is key to improving That is why it is important to put much effort.
I will apply this y getting my things done and trying to be productive.
Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind
" Control your own destiny or someone else will"
" When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now"
It is important ton have a goal set of where we want to be. We must know where we want to start and where we want to end. We should try to have or final goal always in mind. We must remember what it is that we want and strive for that. To set our goals and picture them is really important. This will make us clear and what we want and what we are putting effort on daily. We must know that there is and end and make that end our goal. While on process put effort from our part. We must begin with a good attitude and our goals set. These things will help us be more effective people.
I will apply this by Picturing the end in my mind and putting in effort and a good attitude on my goals,
" There is an end to everything on earth, and we choose if we are going to make it a good ending or a bad ending"
Habit 3 Put First Things First
Organize and execute around priorities
Most times we know what our priorities should be but we do not give them the place we should. We should analyze the things that we should be most effective at and give those things priority. Before we do other things that we might get eager to do. The same with goals we should have our goal set in mind before other minor set backs. Developing a plan for these things is important. We must organize how we will do these things and do them. To Focus on doing them as well is a very important part of this. We should organize less relevant things around priorities and not the other way around. We need to have a good mindset toward our priorities. Also we must make sure our priorities are the right priorities.
"We must not only have priorities but also have the right priorities."
I will apply this by setting my priorities straight and applying them.
Think Win Win
"Think win or no deal"
To achieve something we must have the right mentality and the right attitude for it. We must have a positive attitude towards our efforts. If we are always thinking about failure, then we might end up failing. We must see ourselves winning and thinking of so. This can be applied on different things like winning a medal, a game, or a championship. Altough not only to this things, but also to a certain goal. We can win by achieving it. We must make ourselves have the attitude of a winner and think like wise. We must see our goals as achievable and go for them.
"The thought of winning, eventually makes you a winner"
I will apply this by trying to have a positive attitude and thinking of winning"
4) Seek first to understand, then to be Understood
It is important to understand others because just like us others might as well be seeking understanding. Sometimes we might ruch into things and something can come out wrong. We can take our time to analyze the things we are doing before we rush into anything. It is often easy to judge people and critize them, but we are not on their place and do not know what they are going through. This can apply to different things such as personal lives and our relations with others. Befre we judge others we can try to understand what they could be going through. Before we do a certain job we must first try to understandwhat it is that we are trying to do.
I will apply this in my life by stopping and trying to understand some things.
7) Sharpen The Saw
The- Four Dimesions of Self Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/ Emotional
It is important to have all these things sharpened. Each of these categories is imporant. Some are more relevant than others . Each at its own level should be taklen care of. All of these thjings produce back effectiveness in a person. In order to work at your fullest and even extra, all of these things should be present. It would make sense ofor us to be really good on one of these categories, but doing really bad on another. I think that is what happens to many. That is why we must listen to this habit.
" For what reason will one be so physically strong, but so spriritually drained"
I will apply this in my life by trying to remain in the importance of the four dimensions.
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