Pyramid of success
John Wooden
25 Building Blocks
of The Pyramid Of Success
Block 1: Industriousness
In other word he means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success.Hard work is just a part of success. Hard work is part of the effort of achieving a certain goal.With hard work we achieve and get better at things. Things do not just come to us, Many times we must work hard for their achievement. An example of this is the many times that we work hard for sports. We must set our minds to do so. Practice and believe that we can achieve certain things. Hard work will also make us appreciate some things even more. Sometime we must earn out things through hard work.
Block 2: enthusiasm
It is the engine that powers all blocks of the pyramid. It is why I choose industriousness and enthusiasm as the the cornerstones if my pyramid of success. This is where everything begins
Enthusiasm is very important. Of we do not have enthusiasm for what we do then things will not have the best come off. It is essential to the will of doing something. Enthusiasm can encourage us. In order to achieve the fullest on the others block we must take in count enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can lead us to achieve more. For example, A person that has enthusiasm towards her game instead of being scared and angered, the enthusiasm in that person might lead them to do better. It is also what makes us want to keep on going and putting effort. This can apply to different t hing as well. It can apply to daily life and activities like games. It can apply to our school,sports, and actions. Enthusiasm is where we get our positive attitude from. That is why it is important for all the other categories.
Block 3: Friendship
Comes from mutual esteem , respect, and devotion.Like marriage it must not be taken for granted.
Friendship is very important. We never know when we will need a friend or when some one will need us. It is ito show mutual appreciation. To show the person that we are there for them and to try to help them in any way that we can. Frienship is something that we must take care of. We also must try to get influenced by the right people and not the wrong people. Friendship is important in the different situations that we can be. For example, friendship within a team migh hekp the people feel connected. It will also account for having a nice time with the teammates as friends. Frienship is something nice that we all should have. We must not judge a certain person before we get to know them. We never know, they may just need a friend.
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending on you . Keep yourself respect."
Loyalty is very important. We must try to be loyal is several aspects. Loyalty is important to others, Not only to the rest though, but to ourselves.Loyalty can be applied to so much. It can build up. It can build up our self esteem and our trust. It builds stronger relations with others as well. Other can feel comfortable depending on you when you are a loyal person. Loyalty is important in self improving. For example. you can be loyal to the basketball team you are on and in different aspects. You can be loyal to yourself by not giving up and working hard. You can be loyal to your team by being dependable and trying your best, and you can be loyal to the coach as well.
Block 5: Cooperation
Cooperation is very important. To cooperate with others regardless of how people get along. We will not always cooperate with people that we get along with but sometimes we are going to have to. For example, in school we sometimes have to work with others we dont particularly know. Regardless of that we must put in out part and cooperate. Cooperation is also important when you are in a team. For example, a sports team. Teams work together and cooperate. Therefore it is important for us to be cooperate with our teammates.
Block 6: Ambition
For noble goals
It is important to know how to tell our goals a part. Ambition is important for good things.Whit ambition we can get motivated. There are people who have ambition for bad things like money and that makes them greedy. We must see to have ambition for good goals.
Block 7: Self Control
Self control is important for people. It is a way to stay on track and achieve certain things. There are many examples of self control out there. We can have self control in our school, sports, and jobs. For example we can have self control on thing like studying for a test. Also on what we see and the things we eat. Self control can boost our performance and confidence. Practicing to do better on a sport can also require self control, and the energy and will to do so.
block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly, stay open minded, be eager to learn and improve"
Alertness is very important in the things we do. Such as in school we must try to learn new things every time. We must wanna feel like we are awake and playing attention.We gotta try to have the energy to stay alert and do certain things. Also we have to be alert and track our improvement. There are different ways to be alert at different things. For example, when we are playing a sport we can try to be alert to score. To know what is happening in all the sides of the court. Alertness is also what helps us to realize our improvements. So, there are different ways to stay alert and benefits from it.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions, do not be afraid of failure but learn from it."
We can try to not be afraid of failure. None of us really like failure, but it is something that we can learn from.Failure happens many times, but it matters how many of those we get back up. We can try to remain with confidence in ourselves. For example, in a school projects we can fail and get a bad score, but from that we can learn how to improve our next assignment. This is something that we can get from it. We can use this on our jobs as well. I think that when John Wooden wrote this he knew that many of his players were afraid to take a chance, so he wrote this to encourage them to do it. For example, many basketball players will not take the shot because they think that they cannot do it.
Block:10 Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievements by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."
Intentness is important to persue our goal, it is to have the intent to do and achieve our goals. We must try to concentrate to achieve them at our best potential. The intent to work hard towards meeting our goals. Most of the times there are distractions that drift us away from what we had intended to do.For example, we might intent to stay after school and practice for two hours for our sport, but then our friends may come along and invite us to have pizza with them. This shows that sometimes there are things that we want to do more at the time. To show determined to that practice and persist on getting better. These are part on intentness.
Block 11:Sincerity
keeps friends
Although many of the times we might not like the truth on some things it is better to say it. At times we might be afraid to say certain things it is better to let a person find out by our sincerity, than by some other way. The problem is that the bonds that we might have build trough a long time can easily damage when we are not sincere and the other person finds out. Sincerity is essential not only to build trust but to keep it. An example of sincerity can be a situation where you try to decide if you tell your friend something that they might not like or hide it from them. But there is a chance that a person will eventually find out. Also, when we know we have been sincere we probably feel better too. John Wooden wrote sincerity by because he knew that it was something very important. Especially in a team like the one he coached. The players need to have sincerity with each other in and out of the court.
Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation
Many times the places that we are at will not always be as we would like it. It may be people or places that we are not necessary comfortable at, but we need to adapt. There are so many situations in life and that is why in order to succeed overall we must learn to adapt. Places where we might find it difficult to adapt may be at school, work, or a place where we live. That is why it is important for to adapt. A different example of adapting may be, getting a new coach on the team. The coaching style, warm ups and exercises that the new coach does may be different. They might not even be as effective, but if what you really want is to be on the team then you can try to adapt to them. We can try to work best with what we have. Once we adapt to certain things, then they content will also become more interesting.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental, moral-physical. Rest. exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
The condition that one is in is very important, it will reflect on what we do. Regardless if we play a sport and are on a team, physical condition is very important. It is not just how we look but our overall health. Also, it is important to get both rest and exercise. These things will affect our work performance.In fact, physical health can play a role in our emotional health as well. That is why this can be so important. Also John Wooden knew that mental condition also affects the person, not just physical that is why he wrote this. Diet is also included because it is important, we get our energy from the food we eat and the nutrients for ourselves that is why it is important to eat good foods. We can try to have self control and moderation.
Block 14: Skill
" A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every detail."
Skill is very important. We can gain skill by putting hard work and practicing. We can have skill in different thing for example in a sport or at school. People do not just have a certain amount or a skill, but instead we out our work to it and improve it. Multi tasking is also a very important skill. In life we can be very busy and have many things going on. The ability to do several things is important. Especially in a team coach Wooden knew that skill was crucial. I can mostly relate school to sports and other thing. But i think that it can be in every day life as well. Skills are things that we can work on to improve everyday.
Block 15:Team Spirit
A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all"
In most of the places that we are in we will most likely work with others. Sometimes we will not get along so well with everybody, but we must try our best to have a good environment. At times we might get out in a team at work or in a school. Not every person will work the same and participate but we must work the well of others. Therefore, team spirit is very important do. We must try to get along with others and have that team spirit as well. Team spirit is very important for everybody. Team work will show up in most of the places we are and things that we do. Also in sports team spirit is extremely important. For example in basketball John Wooden knew that the players needed team spirit in order to win. They needed to play as a team and not individuals to get many wins..
Block 16: Honesty
In thought and action
Honesty is a very important block. John Wooden knew that honesty is a very strong quality of a team.
The players needed to be honest to themselves and to the team. Honesty is a great quality to have for wherever we go. It is honesty that builds trust. If we are not honest then we might even loose the trust that others have put on us. When we are on a team we can be honest by not cheating ourselves and putting in out best effort. We can also be honest to our coach about the ways that we have trained and behaved. We can be honest to our teammates to gain better trust and build strong bonds. Additionally we can be honest to the game and well by not cheating and taking any kind of unfair advantage.
Block 18: Poise
" Just being yourself, being at ease at any situation"
Graceful and elegant bearing in a person
It is important to be poise, at many situations we might change who we are for certain reasons but we must try to remain in integrity. It is important to build are character and constantly improve on it. Also to build self confidence and manner. Poise is to have a composure. There are many details that add up to poise and John Wooden wrote this because he knew that poise was also important for members of a team. In order to do well in the team the players needed poise. To be stable and self composed. For example in order for a player to work his best, he first needed to rely on himself. If people are themselves and not dragged down by certain situations in life, then it can be a benefit to them and to the people that surround them.
Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all tings in proper perspective."
To do certain things in life I think that we need confidence. Many of the times we get taken over by a rush of emotions but we must try to stay confident in who we are. I think that trust is impoortant in achieving confidence. The dictionary describes it as self reliability. For other people to trust us as well we must try to remain confident.
Block 21: Fight
determined effort
Some of our goals are harder to achieve than others and that is the reason why we must try and why we must fight. Sometimes we might just want to give up, but we should not go down without a fight. We do not fight anyone we do not fight people. We fight the situations that are against us and the things that are holding us back. We can bring down a good fight without violence. In a good fight we fight without violence. In this case to fight can also be to try and not giving up, to persuade and not let other factors bring you down. Sometimes we may loose a battle but win the war.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Competition can inspire us to push ourselves towards becoming better. Competition is good as long as it is fair. Without competition people would not push themselves to the limit. For example athletes, they strive to do better then those around them who compete against them. The challenge can be good if we deal with it properly. An example of competition can be when the two best shooter on the team work hard to improve their skills and compete with each other without sabotaging each other. But at the end regardless of who can make more shots they are still friends and work together as a team. Also competitions among teams can be a benefit to them and the player can work together. But during competition it is important to remain with sportsmanship and at the end of it as well.
Block 24: Faith
Believe and achieve
In order to achieve great things we must first have faith. Faith is one of the most important aspects of our achievements. To have confidence on what it is we are doing. If we first do not believe that we can achieve something, then it will be more complicated to actually achieve it. Faith is an essential key. The faith we have should be put first and foremost in our creator and savior, then in us and the achievements. Faith defines who we are. Without faith then we will not think of a future where we reach our objectives. Faith comes along with many other things that are very important. Faith is an important block to many of the things that we hope to achieve.
Block 25:Patience
good things take time
Some times the more we wait for certain things, the more we will get to appreciate them them. Not all things we want come exactly when we want it. Some take longer than others, but we must have patience. Patience is very important. If we do not learn to have patience then we might just give up, but the patience will keep us waiting. I think to be patient is also try to maintain a good attitude throughout. We can also be patient with ourselves. For example, we can be patient with the process of getting better at something, like basketball. We can try to understand that learning certain things is a process and by practicing we will get better. In order to succeed patience is important. School is also an example of the patience that we can experience daily. School takes so many years, from our childhood to our adulthood, and for many much more years after that. We must be patient in order to complete school as well. Try to do our best at it.
Pyramid Of Success Final Reflection:
1) The building blocks can benefit me because the blocks are very important for everyday life,
they can help me through a lot of things and for success.At this moment I think that I am applying the block about skill and patienence. Many of this blocks we use in school everyday. For example patience and enthusiasm. Some apply to sports or our jobs and so many other things we do. The blocks are making a difference in my life because they can make me see which parts i am using and which parts I need to use more. I will try to incorporate the rest of the blocks into my life. I will try to know them and think about the ones that I need to improve in. I will pass this infromation forward by telling other people about it as well.